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Wellcome trials Research Data Support services with Springer Nature

Publié le 29 août 2018 par Thérèse Hameau

`Wellcome is partnering with Springer Nature on a pilot to support researchers to make their research datasets discoverable and available to the wider research community.

The pilot, expected to run over six to twelve months, will see Wellcome support the costs associated with its funded researchers using Springer Nature’s Research Data Support services for an initial fixed number of datasets.

The pilot is open for datasets underpinning research articles from Wellcome-funded studies and from researchers at Wellcome-funded institutes, and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Data can be associated with a submission or publication to any peer-reviewed journal, and is not limited to Springer Nature journals; authors will remain in control of their data, including choice of Creative Commons license which ensure datasets are open access and available for re-use. As part of the pilot, Wellcome and Springer Nature will also work with Wellcome Open Research, Wellcome’s publishing platform.

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