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The next step in Open Science? Text and Data Mining!

Publié le 08 septembre 2015 par Thérèse Hameau

Making text and data open for anyone to find and read is an amazing development that can lead to many great possibilities and outcomes for science. One of them is the possibility to mine the text and data. Text and data mining (TDM) is the process of deriving information from machine-read material. It works by copying large quantities of material, extracting the data, and recombining it to identify patterns (Quote by JISC). TDM is often perceived as being too difficult, too technical, and therefore impossible.

With TDM being a powerful tool to discover hidden and new knowledge in existing text and data, and therefore to greatly advance science, TDM should not be impossible!

The new H2020 European project `OpenMinTeD` will be the first to build an infrastructure that makes it much easier to mine, by making existing text mining tools discoverable, interoperable and usable. The infrastructure brings together text and data registries/databases and will develop a standard layer, that makes it possible to easily find text and data from all over the world, and mine it.

Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data (OpenMinTeD)

Coordinateur: Natalia Manola, Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information Communication & Knowledge

Début-fin: 06/2015-05/2018

Site du projet OpenMinTeD :

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