STM-DataCite Joint Statement
Researchers wish to have safe and trustworthy repositories for the preservation of their underlying research data. For findability, citability and re-‐use, it is of ultimate importance that researcher validated data are well linked with publications to ensure their inclusion in the record of science. It is in this context that DataCite, a consortium of 16 library and archival institutes, and the International Association of STM Publishers, whose membership of over 100 publishers internationally publish around 70 % of all research publications worldwide, are issuing the following joint statement. The aim of this joint statement is to achieve commonly shared principles for best practices between publishers, researchers and data repositories about the linking between data and publications and citation practices for data sets.
Joint Statement on Linkability and Citability of Research Data:
1. To improve the availability and findability of research data, DataCite and STM encourage authors of research papers to deposit researcher validated data in trustworthy and reliable Data Archives.