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Scenarios for future research and innovation policies in Europe are presented to the Commission

Publié le 01 juin 2017 par Thérèse Hameau

Research, science and innovation are of critical importance for Europe’s performance in the world. Regardless of what the next decades have in store for Europe, we will need strong universities, research organisations, laboratories and technology-based companies, which will demand much more investment in research and innovation as well as better framework conditions in areas such as market regulation, skills and the supply of capital. At the same time, the research community must ensure that science is responsible and reflects society’s wider values.

These are key messages of the report New Horizons: Future Scenarios for Research and Innovation Policies in Europe, delivered to the European Commission.

One of the aims of the report is to encourage discussion on the future research and innovation policy and investment at EU level. The Commission would welcome comments and reaction to the report at

New Horizons: Future Scenarios for Research and Innovation Policies in Europe

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