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Research Software Sustainability | Report on a Knowledge Exchange Workshop

Février 2016
Publié le 11 mars 2016 par Thérèse Hameau

Executive summary

Without software, modern research would not be possible. Understandably, people tend to marvel at results rather than the tools used in their discovery, which means the fundamental role of software in research has been largely overlooked. But whether it is widely recognised or not, research is inexorably connected to the software that is used to generate results, and if we continue to overlook software we put at risk the reliability and reproducibility of the research itself.

Improving software sustainability requires a number of changes: some technical and others societal, some small and others significant. We must start by raising awareness of researchers’ reliance on software. This goal will become easier if we recognise the valuable contribution that software makes to research – and reward those people who invest their time into developing reliable and reproducible software. We must educate the research community on the issues raised by software adoption, and provide training in the software engineering skills that are needed to overcome them.

The Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Research Software Sustainability took place on 1-2 October 2016 at the DFG Offices in Berlin.

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