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Practice of Research Data Management: Findings from an IFLA Project on Data Curators

Publié le 29 août 2018 par Thérèse Hameau

`In a project of the IFLA section “Library Theory and Research” (LTR) the profession of data curators was analyzed. Dr Anna Maria Tammaro and Dr Krystyna Matusiak answered our interview questions to tell us about the project findings.

What was the aim of the study?

The project of the IFLA section Library Theory and Research (LTR), entitled “Data curator: who is s/he?”, aimed to identify the roles, responsibilities, activities, and concerns of practicing data curators around the world. The main objectives of the project were:
– To prepare a vocabulary (a list of terms in hierarchical structure) and possibly an ontology, using a formal representation of a set of concepts.
– To understand roles and responsibilities of the data curator profile.


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