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ORCID Receives a $3 Million Grant to Build International Engagement Capacity

Publié le 13 avril 2015 par Thérèse Hameau

ORCID has been awarded an 18-month, $3 million grant by The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust to develop the infrastructure and capacity to support international adoption and technical integration of ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor) identifiers, through staff expansion, regional workshops and localized member technical support.

Enabling digital scholarly communication

ORCID is a nonprofit organization that aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in scholarly communications. Name ambiguity poses a significant challenge for the research enterprise because researchers are unable to locate information or data they need to conduct their own work, wasting countless hours and resources in the process. To this end, ORCID maintains an open Registry, where researchers may obtain a unique, persistent identifier to use across their research “transactions,” such as grant applications, manuscripts and thesis submissions, and shared datasets. ORCID works with the community to ensure that the ORCID identifier is collected, stored and embedded in key documents like grants, publications and datasets so that researchers’ contributions can be easily found, cited and used, thus improving the efficiency and transparency in scholarly studies.

Overview of the project

As a fundamental principle, ORCID is organized to support open access – to the Registry, to data and to software. ORCID strives to transcend discipline, geographic, national and institutional boundaries. Funding from the Helmsley Charitable Trust provides surge support for ORCID to build out its international capacity. ORCID will launch a community engagement program that provides in-country support and regular workshops in four geographic regions: Asia and Pacific Rim countries; Europe; Middle East and African countries; and across the Americas.

Through this engagement with the community of researchers and institutions, ORCID will develop localized technical support infrastructure and materials to support the implementation of persistent identifiers in research workflows.

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