ORCID Outreach Meeting October 2012
17 octobre 2012 – Berlin, Allemagne
ORCID will be hosting its next biannual Outreach meeting on October 17, in Berlin, Germany. This meeting is a unique opportunity to learn about the progress of the ORCID initiative in person and to discuss relevant issues with the research community. The program will include interactive presentations on ORCID integration, an overview of the features in the October launch, and a demo of the ORCID Registry.
The Open Researcher & Contributor ID (ORCID) Initiative is a community effort to establish an open, independent registry of persistent unique identifier for researchers and scholars and automated linkages to research objects that is adopted and embraced as the industry’s de facto standard.
We will have WebEx and dial-in capabilities for those who cannot attend in-person. ORCID participants should first sign-in with their orcid.org account before proceeding to the event registration.
The preliminary conference program will be posted in August.