Open Knowledge Definition
The Open Knowledge Definition (OKD) provides an answer to the question: what is open knowledge? It puts forward, in a simple and clear manner, principles that define open knowledge and which open knowledge licenses must satisfy.
The concept of openness has already started to spread rapidly beyond its original roots in academia and software. We already have ‘open access’ journals, open genetics, open geodata, open content etc. As the concept spreads so we are seeing a proliferation of licenses and a potential blurring of what is open and what is not.
In such circumstances it is important to preserve compatibility, guard against dilution of the concept, and provide a common thread to this multitude of activities across a variety of disciplines. The definition, by providing clear set of criteria for openness, is an essential tool in achieving these ends.
What the Definition is Not
It is worth noting a few things that the definition, and this project, are not intended to do:
The definition sets forth principles by which to judge whether a knowledge license is open, it does not seek to provide or recommend specific licenses.
It seeks to ”’complement not duplicate or replace”’ existing work by groups such as Creative Commons or the Open Access movement. Its role is the relatively narrow one of drawing out a common set of principles which often already exist, explicitly or implicitly, in existing projects or licenses.