Long-term Sustainability of Research Infrastructures: Science Europe’s Offer to Contribute to Ongoing Efforts
Science Europe welcomes all efforts made to ensure the long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures, including the latest European Commission staff working document (SWD) on this topic. 1 With its 42 recommendations, the SWD informs the development of a European Call for Action on the long-term sustainability of RIs, to be presented at the 22 and 23 March high-level conference on RIs, hosted by the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council.
Science Europe would like to respond to the SWD recommendations and recall the key role its members have as funders, operators, and managers of RIs and make recommendations of its own. As the main research funding (RFOs) and research performing organisations (RPOs) in Europe, the members of Science Europe engage in activities to better align policies for RIs. They are convinced that harmonised approaches for their evaluation, priority-setting, and funding will help deliver a strong RI base for the European Research Area.