LabArchives and BioMed Central: a new platform for publishing scientific data
As part of our commitment to reproducible research and transparency, BioMed Central has partnered with LabArchives to work together for the shared goal of making datasets supporting peer-reviewed publications available and permanently linked to online publications – and available under terms which permit reuse freely, as Open Data.
A growing number of repositories for scientific datasets – which with persistent identification can be cited in and linked from published articles – are available but many fields still lack an obvious repository. There has been debate about whether institutional or subject-specific repositories (and journals) are the best solution for data archiving and publishing. But what is absolutely clear is that, for data, one size does not fit all – literally and metaphorically.
LabArchives, an Electronic Laboratory Notebook, enables individual scientists to manage, share and publish data files, providing an accessible platform for sharing and publication which is controlled by authors themselves. LabArchives is web-based, or may also be installed on a local server, enabling a user to access their laboratory documents, protocols, notes and data from any location (you can read more about the features of LabAchives on their website).