Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Parts 4 and 5
Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 4: Semantic Search
In the old days, if you would do a search in a search engine, you would get a lot of irrelevant hits that for some reason contained the keyword you used. Nowadays search engines give you much better results, because they put the keyword into context. This new way of searching is called ‘Semantic Search‘. Waleed Ammar of the Allen Intitute for Artificial Ingelligence explains semantic search, the challenges and the state-of-the-art in a few short video clips.
Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 5: Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge discovery is the process of discovering new information. In text and data mining this happens for example by finding new connections or trends in a large amount of text and data. Ron Daniel is director at the Elsevier Labs. He explains Knowledge Discovery and Knowledge Representation in three short videos.