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Jisc launches collaborative initiative for UK research

Publié le 20 novembre 2014 par Thérèse Hameau

Teams across universities and others that support research in the UK are being offered the opportunity to submit their ideas to a collaborative funding initiative being launched today by Jisc.

Called research data spring, the project aims to engage all individuals and groups with an interest in research data and get them to work together to create new solutions to common research problems. This includes finding and developing new technical tools, software or services to streamline researchers’ workflows, and to improve the use and management of data.

To have your idea considered, the solutions need to fit into one of five priority areas:

  1. Research data deposit and sharing tools; including the development of protocols that help support the streamlining of access, use and re-use of research data
  2. Data creation and re-use by discipline; including ideas for experiments and proto-types that address the researchers experience and the research data workflow to improve the creation, management, curation and re-use of data. This should support open research practice and methods where appropriate and be transferrable across disciplines
  3. Research data systems integration and interoperability; including developing solutions to improve interfaces and ease connections, and create seamless working between and across systems
  4. Research data analytics; including the development and testing of ways to use big data analytical methods for the benefits of research, or to better analyse research data activity and test associated metrics
  5. Shared services for research; this aspect should be considered in all of the priority areas, and includes international, national and local shared services, that could be delivered by Jisc or other partners.

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