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Innovation from Big Science: Enhancing Big Science Impact Agenda

Department for Business, Innovation & Skills | United Kingdom | March 2014
Publié le 18 mars 2014 par Thérèse Hameau

This report examines the potential of shared, large-scale scientific facilities to contribute to innovation above and beyond their immediate scientific mission. Based on a systematic review of research into this area, we:

  1. Build a conceptual model that outlines the elements of Big-Science Impact Agenda (see Figure 3, page 36).
  2. Build a framework that illustrates the technological innovation potential opened up by big-science facilities over their life cycle (see Figure 1, page 29).
  3. Build a framework that illustrates pertinent issues of the management and operation of big-science facilities over their life cycle (see Figure 2, page 35).
  4. Using the above models, explore seven case studies of large-scale scientific facilities in the UK.
  5. Draft a research agenda for the study of the Big-Science Impact Agenda (see text from page 52).
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