How TDM can unlock a goldmine of information
From September 6th– September 8th, over 200 people with an interest in open science came together in Athens for the Open Science Fair. OpenMinTeD was one of the co-organisers, and also organised a workshop on text and data mining. The first part of the workshop showcased successful TDM initiatives. The second part was focused on content providers and was more OpenMinTeD specific.
PART 1: TDM showcases
This part of the workshop highilighted four showcases, related to life sciences, agroculture, social sciences and entrepeneurship.
The Big Mechanism: from text to experiments using their text mining
What can semantic text mining do for food quality improvement?
Data Analytics meets Socials Sciences
The science-industry relationship driven by competitive intelligence: how to surf emerging technologies
PART 2: OpenMinTeD and content providers
From Open Access to Open Science: making sense of scientific content
Machine accessibility of open access scientific publications
How we explore, model, analyze and visualize systematic research in OpenAIRE utilizing Topic Modeling Services
Open Science (legal) check list for repositories and publishers