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FOSTER Plus: How libraries can foster the change to Open Science

Publié le 19 juin 2018 par Thérèse Hameau

« Training courses, training materials and incentives play an important role in the promotion of open science. In this interview, Helene Brinken from the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) provides an overview of the activities as part of the FOSTER Plus EU project.

What are the objectives of the FOSTER Plus project?

The FOSTER Plus project funded by the EU aims to promote a cultural transformation in science that goes beyond awareness of the open science movement, and in which the practical aspects of open science can be implemented completely. Opportunities for qualifications on an institutional level and in a variety of scientific disciplines are being increased to achieve this. At the same time, a network for the support of trainers that will bring together open science advocates from a number of research institutes and infrastructures is being developed.

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