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FAIR data Expert Group Call for Contributions

Publié le 14 juin 2017 par Thérèse Hameau

The European Commission has established an Expert Group on FAIR data to support the Research and Innovation policy development on Open Science. The overall objective of the Expert Group is turning the FAIR data principles into an operational reality, to ensure that research data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

The Group will review existing initiatives and analyse the components of FAIR to recommend how they could be implemented and supported. Several topics will be addressed in the report, including research data culture, skills, incentives,
service components, data management planning, metrics to evaluate FAIR, cost models and sustainability.

We invite contributions on each proposed section of the report as follows:
– Concepts – why FAIR?
– Research data culture
– Making FAIR data real
– Measuring change
– Facilitating change

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