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EOSC-hub: integrated services for the European Open Science Cloud

Publié le 23 janvier 2018 par Thérèse Hameau

The EC-funded project EOSC-hub project started on January 1st 2018, bringing together an extensive group of national and international service providers to create the Hub: a central contact point for European researchers and innovators to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research.

The consortium of 100 partners from more than 50 countries will develop the vision of the Hub as the integration and management system of the future European Open Science Cloud. The EOSC-hub project mobilises providers from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and other major European research infrastructures to deliver a common catalogue of research data, services and software for research.

For researchers, this will mean a broader access to services supporting their scientific discovery and collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.

EOSC-hub will liaise closely with OpenAIRE Advance, a project set up to support the Open Access/Open Data mandates in Europe.

OpenAIRE-Advance H2020 project

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