ENERGIC-OD: International co-operation to promote of FAIR GIS Open Data
ENERGIC-OD, a project funded by the European Commission as part of FP7/CIP programme, will come to an end in September 2017. The project launched a pan-European Virtual Hub (pEVH) facilitating the use of Geospatial Information System (GIS) Open Data (OD) across Europe. The readers can access the pEVH here: https://www.energic-od.eu/. The pEVH brokers together a potentially infinite number of geo-spatial open data sources, harmonising them, rendering them accessible through a single API and ready to be reused for various purposes. Data brokered by the pEVH is available under freemium licence: data is free to use, while users can pay for some extra features of the pEVH. The freemium model ensures the promotion of knowledge exchange while extracting value from such an exchange and from the services provided by the various actors involved.