Editors as promoters of good practices in bioresource research
9 octobre – Toulouse, France
Why this workshop. A collaboration between a research group concerned with bioresources and a group of journal editors led to the development of a guideline for reporting bioresource use in research articles. The guideline, “CoBRA: Citation of BioResources in journal Articles” was published in BMC Medicine in February 2015. It is receiving much interest from the research community, as the Altmetrics figures show.
EASE made a major contribution to the development of the CoBRA guideline, which provides a standard citation of bioresources to help in the creation of a system for the evaluation of the impact of bioresource-based research. As a result of this positive collaboration between EASE and BRIF (Bioresource Research Impact Factor) , we are organizing a workshop to discuss the role of journal editors in promoting best practices in research.
Target. The workshop is mainly addressed at editors, researchers, librarians, and students interested in discussing how editors can influence best practices in bioresource-based research.