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eagle-I network

Publié le 02 octobre 2012 par Thérèse Hameau

eagle-i is a free application that makes it easy to discover resources at a growing network of universities; more than 50,000 resources are listed and more are added every week.

About eagle-i

Groundbreaking biomedical research requires access to cutting edge scientific resources; however such resources are often invisible beyond the laboratories or universities where they were developed. We have built a national research resource discovery platform that will help biomedical scientists search for and find previously invisible, but highly valuable, resources.

Open network. Open access. Open source.

After two years of intensive development, eagle-i is ready to leave the nest. The free software is now an open source project, and we welcome institutions to adopt it and participate in the network. The data in the system is also now open access; anyone — regardless of affiliation — is welcome to search for resources, or to download the Linked Open Data directly.


The eagle-i Consortium is supported by a two-year, $15 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) award (#U24 RR 029825) from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The proposal leading to this award was submitted in response to a Request for Applications issued by the NCRR in April 2009.

The consortium built the tool from scratch and deployed the Beta version to the eagle-i member institutions in May 2011. To help demonstrate scalability, use of the eagle-i search tool was extended to the wider research community in the Fall of 2011, providing unrestricted access to view the resources that have been generously published by investigators from participating institutions.

Participating Institutions

Twenty-five institutions currently participate in the eagle-i network, and more are in the process of joining. The nine founding institutions are:

– Dartmouth College
– Harvard University
– Jackson State University
– Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM)
– Montana State University
– Oregon Health & Science University
– The University of Alaska Fairbanks
– The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
– The University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus

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