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Données de la Recherche

Dryad news: submission fees and pricing plans

Publié le 06 mai 2013 par Thérèse Hameau

Dryad will begin charging submission fees on the 1st of September 2013.

Dryad is a nonprofit organization that provides long-term access to its contents at no cost to researchers, educators or students, irrespective of nationality or institutional affiliation. Dryad is able to provide free access to data due to financial support from members and data submitters. Dryad’s submission fees are designed to sustain its core functions by recovering the basic costs of curating and preserving data. New innovations are enabled by research and development grants and by support from donors.

Pricing Plans

Organizations (including publishers, scientific societies, libraries, funders, and others) are encouraged to cover the costs of submission fees on behalf of their community of researchers. For instance, a society or publisher may cover the costs for all the authors of its journals. To do this, Dryad offers a variety of flexible payment plans that provide for volume discounts. If no payment plan is in place, authors must pay a fee at the time of submission, with the exception of researchers from economically developing countries, who may submit data at no charge.

Plan 1: Voucher Plan

Plan 2: Deferred Payment

Plan 3: Subscription

For individuals: Pay on submission

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