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Developing an Institutional Research Data Management Plan Service

Janvier 2013
Publié le 14 janvier 2013 par Thérèse Hameau


Institutions and researchers have worked together for years on streamlining and improving campus processes to sustain institutional research at all levels. The challenges have been and are many. The new EDUCAUSE ACTI Data Management Working Group (ACTI-DM) white paper, Developing an Institutional Research Data Management Plan Service, provides guidance on developing research data management planning services at higher education institutions, based on a broad sampling of trends in these services at institutions across the U.S. and internationally.

This white paper includes three key sections:

– What Should be Included in the Data Management Plan (DMP)
– Developing a DMP Service at Your Institution
– Skill Sets Required for a DMP Consulting Service

Providing a DMP service is but one component of a much larger, more formalized process to develop and maintain a research data management infrastructure. An upcoming ACTI-DM paper will address critical areas such as technical infrastructure, governance, and policy of the research institution. In addition, a glossary of data management terms is expected shortly.

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