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`Data Publishing 2020:` Four case statements

Publié le 23 janvier 2014 par Thérèse Hameau

After several months of hard work, the RDA-WDS Publishing Data Interest Group has produced a proposal comprising four coordinated Working Groups under its umbrella for consideration and hopefully endorsement by RDA after review.

On behalf of the Co-chairs of the RDA-WDS Publishing Data IG and Chairs and Co-chairs of the proposed Working Groups and all the individual Members who contributed to this work, please reviewthe following 5 documents for your considerations and comments:

  1. Data Publishing 2020: Proposal for a Coordinated Approach. This document articulates the links and dependencies between the four proposed Working Groups and expands on the holistic approach to establish data publishing as part of the scholarly record.
  2. Workflows Working Group Case Statement
  3. Bibliometrics Working Group Case Statement
  4. Cost Recovery for Data Centres Working Group Case Statement
  5. Data Publication Services Case Statement

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