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Current Best Practice for Research Data Management Policies

Publié le 26 août 2015 par Thérèse Hameau
In 2014, CODATA was commissioned by the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation and the Danish Digital Library to produce a briefing note or report on Current Best Practice for Research Data Management Policies. The full report - written by Simon Hodson and Laura Molloy and including an Executive Summary, Report and Appendices - was completed in May 2014 and is now avaialble from the CODATA collection in Zenodo.

Executive Summary

This memo responds to the request by the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeIC), in partnership with Denmark’s Electronic Research Library (DEFF), for a document ‘to provide an overview of current best practices for research data management (RDM) policies within a number of subject areas, and as such inspire the development of a Danish national strategy on the area of RDM policies.’

In accordance with the instruction, the memo considers current best practices in an international context, highlights what are considered the ‘pivotal points’ or key elements of the policies mentioned and explores particular variations and distinctive features of those policies relating to particular subject areas (specifically: humanities, social sciences, health sciences, natural sciences and technical sciences).

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