APE 2014 : Redefining the Scientific Record | The Future of the Article, Big Data & Metrics
28 et 29 janvier 2014 – Berlin, Allemagne
In APE 2014 we want to focus on the concept of the scientific record. What is it? What do we need in times of Open Access and Open Data? What is the future of the article as we know it? Who are the producers and the curators? What are the principles of scientific publishing? We are talking about the value that the publication process adds to the scientific process and about the public understanding of science and technology.
In addition we want to review questions about the sustainability of OA funding and archiving (permanent access). Other topics are innovations, dissemination and accessibility, the integration of research data & publications, unique identifiers, interoperability, metrics, rights & licenses, data mining and enhancing, the role of search engines and enabling technologies.