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Springer Nature launches Open data badges pilot

Publié le 09 octobre 2018 par Thérèse Hameau

«Springer Nature has launched a pilot program in which digital Open data badges are being awarded to articles to incentivize and reward open data sharing practices amongst our authors.

Researchers say that receiving more credit and recognition for their work motivates them to share their research data, and badges for open science have been shown to increase data sharing by authors in some journals.

The pilot, on BMC Microbiology, will provide qualifying authors with a digital badge to recognize and reward their contribution towards open science practices.

For this pilot, the Research Data Support team is assessing accepted manuscripts for badge eligibility based on its compliance with the following criteria:

– That a data availability statement is included with the manuscript, stating how the data can be accessed.
– The dataset (or part of the dataset) is deposited in a public repository.
– A DOI, Accession number, or another persistent identifier is supplied for the dataset.
– The dataset provided is checked and confirmed as relevant to the related paper.


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