Project to monitor open science kicked off
CWTS participates in a new project to stimulate and monitor the development of open science and scholarship. The project `Open sciece: Monitoring trends and drivers` celebrated its kick off meeting last January at the EC premises in the presence of jean Claude Burgelman (DG Research & Innovation, European Commission) and Paul Hofheinz (President and Co-Founder of The Lisbon Council). The aim of the study is to further develop the Open Science Monitor, that started as a pilot study. The project consortium is led by Lisbon Council (coordinator). The other two partners are ESADE , and CWTS. Elsevier participates as subcontractor.
In the figure below we present the conceptual model of the monitor, and the approach of the 2-year study. It consists of three pillars: 1.Trends; 2.Drivers and barriers; and 3. Impacts. For the first pillar regular updates of available data and new datacollection will be carried out. For the second and third pillar policy case studies and a wide range of exploratory analysis will be performed in order to improve and extend our understanding of changes. These changes will be available through EC data analysis systems.