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Expert tour guide on Data Management

Publié le 20 décembre 2017 par Thérèse Hameau

This tour guide by CESSDA ERIC (the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives European Infrastructure Consortium) aims to put social scientists like yourself at the heart of making their research data findable, understandable, sustainably accessible and reusable.

You will be guided by European experts who are – on a daily basis – busy ensuring long-term access to valuable social science datasets, available for discovery and reuse at one of the 17 CESSDA social science data archives. With this guide and the training events being held across Europe, we want to accompany and inspire you in your journey through the research data life cycle.


If you follow the guide, you will travel through the research data lifecycle from planning, organising, documenting, processing, storing and protecting your data to sharing and publishing them. Taking the whole roundtrip will take you approximately 15 hours. You can also just hop on and off.

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