LEARN, Policies and Data Management Plans
LEARN Partner University of Vienna has started to analyze existing Research Data Management (RDM) policies at selected Universities and research institutions, identifying Data Management Plans (DMP) as core instruments of RDM policies.
Data Management Plans (DMP) encompass the entire lifecycle of data, including generation, storage, and management of data after project completion. For researchers, DMPs provide an aid to foster thinking, right from the beginning, about appropriate formats, documentation and possibilities for long-term archiving. Additionally, DMPs assist on determining additional financial resources for legal advice or technical assistance required for the project.
* Le LEARN Project | juin 2015 – juin 2017
The purpose of LEARN [LEaders Activating Research Networks] is to take the LERU Roadmap for Research Data produced by the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and to develop this in order to build a coordinated e-infrastructure across Europe and beyond. LEARN will deliver:
– a model Research Data Management (RDM) policy;
– a Toolkit to support implementation, and;
– an Executive Briefing in five core languages so as to ensure wide outreach.
* LERU Roadmap for Research Data | décembre 2013
The LERU Roadmap for Research Data plots a course which LERU members can choose to follow to implement sound research data management practices at institutional level. The Roadmap is divided into six chapters, with the seventh being devoted to a series of Recommendations which stem from the text…