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PLOS Recommended Data Repositories

Publié le 08 juillet 2015 par Thérèse Hameau

In line with our updated Data Policy, we are pleased to announce a PLOS Data Repository Recommendation Guide.

To support the selection of data repositories for authors, PLOS has identified a set of established repositories, which are recognized and trusted within their respective communities. To develop the list, we consulted with editors, organizations running data repositories, and other publishers in order to cover the breadth of disciplines and subject areas published by PLOS.

PLOS Data Repository Recommendation Guide

PLOS requires that authors comply with field-specific standards for preparation and recording of data and select repositories appropriate to their field, for example deposition of microarray data in ArrayExpress or GEO; deposition of gene sequences in GenBank, EMBL or DDBJ; and deposition of ecological data in Dryad. Authors are encouraged to select repositories that meet accepted criteria as trustworthy digital repositories.

PLOS has identified a set of established repositories below, which are recognized and trusted within their respective communities. Additionally, the Registry of Research Data Repositories (Re3Data) is a full scale resource of registered repositories across subject areas. Re3Data provides information on an array of criteria to help researchers identify the ones most suitable for their needs (licensing, certificates & standards, policy, etc.). Authors are encouraged to select the repository most appropriate for their research. PLOS does not dictate repository selection for the data access policy. If authors use repositories with stated licensing policies the policies should not be more restrictive than the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.

Unstructured and/or Large Data
– Dryad Digital Repository
– figshare

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