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Données de la Recherche

Open Exeter Project

1er octobre 2011 - 31 mars 2013
Publié le 09 août 2012 par Thérèse Hameau

Open Exeter


Open Exeter will build on the work of the University’s current Science-driven Exeter Data Archive, extending the existing pilot DSpace data repository across the University to all disciplines. In order for us to provide an effective and efficient multi-disciplinary service, we first need to understand what kind of data exists throughout the University, and how it is used and handled. To get to that point, we intend to undertake two related investigations:

1)the Data Asset Framework will allow us to obtain a broad snapshot of data assets and their management across the University,
2)a more in-depth, long-term investigation, ‘Follow the Data’, which will involve working with four later years postgraduate researchers in different subject areas, will lead to an understanding of how researchers create, use and reuse data in real life scenarios.

Findings from these two exercises, which will be led by our Data Curation Officer, will guide the development of a surrounding framework of discipline-specific training materials and guidance to support researchers’ data management needs. These materials will be developed and tested in collaboration with the DCC.

Alongside these activities, technical development will focus on two main areas:

1) testing, improving and refining the pilot system so that performance is at the highest level achievable in order to make use as appealing, easy and quick as possible,

2)trialling integration of our research publications repository, ERIC: ( with the data repository to make deposit, searching, citation and storage of related publication/primary data easier for both researchers and curation staff.

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