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58 Organizations Gather to Workshop a Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools

Publié le 17 septembre 2018 par Thérèse Hameau

«Last month, 86 people from 58 different organizations gathered in Berkeley, CA and remotely to attend the first workshop convened by the Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools. The Joint Roadmap was initiated in early 2018 as an collaboration to develop a common vision, user stories, and roadmap to support open science research workflows, and better coordinate work across the community of open science projects.

The Ecosystem

The workshop began with an overview by Bianca Kramer and Jeroen Bosman of the open science tools ecosystem as a whole. They looked at tools used in six sectors of the researcher workflow: discovery, analysis, writing, publication, outreach, and assessment, and put together hypothetical research workflows using suites of products from for-profit, proprietary companies (eg, Elsevier, Digital Science, etc.).


A major activity at the workshop was to lay the foundation for a joint roadmap by identifying major issues in specific research workflows and developing user stories for common workflow practices.

Shared Services

Attendees also collaborated to identify how the wider community of open science projects and organizations could work together more effectively, sharing best practices and resources to help establish a more coherent, broader, open ecosystem that can serve the full range of open science needs.


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